
ADOPNET (Advanced Technologies for Operated Networks) contributes to the specification of architectures, protocols, control mechanisms, and monitoring mechanisms for the next generation networks. Our goal is to build networks that are flexible, adaptive, energy-efficient, secure, and able to deliver content on a large scale to various types of terminals. ADOPNET, in particular, addresses the convergence of access networks, the combination of radio and optical technologies, service chaining in the context of virtual network functions.

The team has 2 main axis:

  • Radio-Network Control. This includes mobility mangaement, radio resource allocation and scheduling, multiple access technology selection.
  • Edge-Network Control. This includese location of virtual network functions and slicing optimisation.

Adopnet research team was created in 2015 and renewed in 2021 and succeeds to ATNET and REOP teams.


Address Team Project Leader name: Xavier Lagrange email: Team Assistant name:  Sandrine Frouin (IMT-A/SRCD), Hélène de la Ruée (INRIA) email:

Past Members

Faculty members Bernard Cousin is now retired. Annie Gravey is now retired. Sandrine Vaton and Isabel Amigo joined Lab-STICC on 1 January 2019 Gwendal Simon is now by Synamedia Romaric Ludinard joined the new IRISA team Sotern on 1st January 2023 Samer Lahoud joined Dalousie University on Sept 2023. Bruno Stevant joined the IRISA team EASE …

Research Axes

The two main research axes of the Adopnet team are : Radio-network Control Edge-Network Control Radio-Network Control

Team Members

Faculty Xavier Lagrange, professor (HDR), IMT Atlantique  (leader) Alberto Blanc, associate professor, IMT Atlantique Cédric Gueguen associate professor, UR1 Nicolas Huin, associate profesor, IMT Atlantique Loutfi Nuaymi, professor (HDR), IMT Atlantique Géraldine Texier, professor (HDR), IMT Atlantique Administrative staff Sandrine Frouin, IMT Atlantique  (part-time) Hélène de la Ruée, Inria (part-time) Engineers Julien Saint-Martin,  IMT Atlantique PhD …